Li-Fi is the latest technology for wireless communication by using visible light. Li-Fi stand for Light Fidelity.This technology is invented by Harald Haas.Li-Fi is the visible light communication (VLC) system, we can able to transfer data at very high speed at the rate of 224 gigabits per seconds,which is 100 times faster than the Wi-Fi connect.Li-Fi uses most common household component LED (light Emitting Diode). In this Li-Fi we are using the visible light frequency to transmits data instead of Wi-Fi using Radio waves.In Li-Fi we are using LEDs to transmit data by blinking LEDs at very high speed in nano seconds which can't be detected by human eyes.Working
The Internet server is connected to streaming content which is connected to the lamp driver .Lamp driver is used to driver LEDs corresponding to the streaming content delivering data.This lamp driver used to blink LEDs at very very high speed which can't be detected by the human eyes.Then your device such as Mobile Phones,Computers having the photo detector
(photo-diode) and this photo detector is connected to the amplifier which converts photo signals into binary data. When the LEDs ON photo diode return
the binary value 1 for OFF conditions it returns 0.Like this binary data can be transmitted.
1.Li-Fi consumes very very less amount of electrical energy.
2.Li-Fi signals can't able to penetrate walls so which helps us to protect from hackers.This is more secure than Wi-Fi.
3.Li-Fi signals can be able to focus one device so Li-Fi signals can't be spread out.Due to this property we can able to transmit large amount of data in short period i.e 224gbps.
5.Doesn't have interference issues.
1.The major challenge which will facing by Li-Fi technology is how the receiver sending data back to the sender.
2.Li-Fi signals can't able to passes through the wall so the nearer room can't be able
to connect the device to the Li-Fi.
only use it short range (10 meters).
4.Li-Fi uses LEDs so we can't use it in dark area.Due to this disadvantage light pollution is causes.
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