5G Technology

What is 5G technology?


                    5G is technology of 5th generation wireless systems.Before we are discussing about 5G we have to see 4G.The frequency of 4G is less than 6GHz.Frequency of 5G is 30-300GHz.The speed of 5g is 20gbps.In 5G technology there are using millimeter waves I.e the wavelength of 5G waves is in millimeter range.


                       The main advantage of 5G is we can able to connect 1million machines within one square kilometer area. In 4G we can only connect 100 k machine  only with in 1 square kilometer.By 5G technology we can able to do Internet of things(iot) i.e smart homes..

 Disadvantages and how over come from it?

                        Due to high frequency it have very small wavelength( millimeter). Because of small wavelength.It doesn't travel for long distance, and some climate changes  absorbs the millimeter waves.It doesn't propagate the buildings.Due to high frequency it doesn't covered the area.

                          To overcome from this disadvantage we have to go for small substation towers.These towers are introduced at the top of the buildings.On moving our Mobile phones can able to switch the towers so we can achieve 5G for long distance.

  Massive MI MO:                     

                      To connect large amount of machine within one square kilometer area we have more number of antenna elements in towers.In 4G towers only 8-12 antenna elements  are  present. But in 5G towers up to 256 antenna elements are present .There are using massive MI MO(multi input and multi output) technology to get more number of antenna elements in single tower.
                           In using large number of antenna elements in single tower frequency can able to  interfere with each other.To overcome from this interference there are using beam technology.
 Power Consumption:                        
                           Power consumption of 5G smart phones are very low compared to 4G.In 4G network consumes 1milli Joule for transferring ( upload or download) for 1k bits.But 5G network consumes only 10 micro joule only required.

Role of INDIA in 5G :

                      Qualcomm is the company who already released the 5G smart phone.India is a first country which step into 5G technology  Reliance is the one of the telecommunication company in India they already are the work for 5G. 
This is the first time India step into new technology without copying for nations.


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